Saturday, November 17, 2007



Frustrated by the inability of police and local government to solve the problem of drug users and johns cruising for prostitutes; residents staged a half hour protest on Friday evening.

The area of concern is Victoria Rd., 500-600 Prideaux, Selby and Robarts Street, where local residents peaceful enjoyment of their homes is constantly interfered with by drug pushers, hookers and johns.

A Nanaimo blog which has more to say about the problem can be viewed by clicking here.

It seems the downtown security patrols have perhaps helped local merchants but the problem has simply been moved down the road and now is a problem in a residential area.

It would seem no one clearly has the answer as to how to deal with those caught in the clutches of drug addiction. Methadone clinics and feeding programs and the like, don't really seem to set these people free, rather these programs seem to enable people to continue in this destructive lifestyle. It used to be that churches had the answers to some of these ills.

The liberal court system does not seem to take the crime of drug pushing very seriously either, with it taking very little time for those arrested, to be out and back in business quickly.

The whole thing is like a little play, with everyone playing there part, but nothing ever really changing.

In an effort to take their neighborhood back residents hope the publishing of a 'shame the johns' website will make johns think twice before cruising their neighborhood. It can be seen at They intend to publish pictures of cars and johns 'doing business' on their streets.



  1. As a resident in the area you are talking about is it possible to put up signage on our front lawns to detour these people from hanging around our area do you think this will help ?

  2. I think what you're doing is an AWESOME service!!! THANK YOU FOR GIVING UP YOUR VALUABLE TIME TO TAKE THESE PICTURES AND POST THEM! Too bad more websites and blogs like this aren't available for THE MANY decent wives and mothers of these jerks to be able to check if they suspect their significant others are picking up these prostitutes. It might give them the strength to leave these losers if they spot them on your website and maybe even save some unsuspecting women from picking up AIDS or other deceases. Thank you again and God bless you!


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