Monday, August 03, 2009

Old & New Construction Methods

A Sign Of Our Age?

The first picture is of Westminster Abbey which was originally completed in 1065AD and over the years has had a few touch ups.

It would have been made from stone which the stone masons of the day would have taken great care and much time cutting and fitting each piece with precision. It still stands today as a testament to their skill and the enduring quality of stone.

The bottom two pictures are the current renovation being done to the facade on the Terminal Park building which houses the Government Liquor Store. When the workers have finished the job, I am sure the facade will have the 'appearance' of having been made from some substantial material which may even resemble cut stone.

However, appearances can be deceiving. If you look closely you will see this substantial looking structure is made of nothing but some steel studs and what appears to be thin styrofoam over which a very thin coat of stucco is being applied.

I have to think the Abbey will still be standing long after our modern day 'smoke and mirrors' facades are not even a faint memory.


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