Monday, February 15, 2010

San Antonio Arrest Has Island Connection

Quick Use Of Electronic Tools
Aid In Arrest

On Thursday February 4th 2010 a Port Alberni adult male was playing an "XBOX" live video game that included live audio from game participants. There were six team members working together against another team when one team member began to discuss his plans to participate in a school shooting the next day at his school. As the details evolved the Port Alberni participant upon hearing the details of this plan contacted the Port Alberni RCMP.

The suspect indicated he was a senior at his high school, had failing grades and mentioned names of students he was targeting along with plans about how the shooting would proceed. With limited information, immediate contact was made with Micro Soft Law Enforcement Security by the Port Alberni RCMP investigators. As a result a suspect was identified from San Antonio Texas USA. The San Antonio Texas Police Department was then contacted and all information was passed onto them. Detectives from the San Antonio Police Department reacted very quickly and commenced an investigation which resulted in the arrest of a teenage male suspect. The suspect now faces charges in San Antonio Texas in regards to this incident.

This incident demonstrates the power of the electronic world and how different enforcement agencies can quickly work together to protect the citizens they serve regardless of obstacles such as international borders. In this case the suspect was quickly arrested and no one was hurt thanks to the information received from a concerned citizen.

The public is again reminded to ensure they report suspicious activity to their local police regardless of the information or boundaries as it may save a life.


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