Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why Things Come From China

Whatever Happened To The Work Ethic?

Forgive the ramblings of a grumpy old guy, I probably got too much sun on the weekend and that's why I feel a rant coming on! Shouldn't go out in the sun without my hat!

Over the years I have noticed it has become nearly impossible to buy something which is not made overseas, and most likely made in China. At one time I was very willing to pay a premium if I could find a 'Made in CANADA' label on a product, but have long since given up on that quest.

It seems that sometime during my lifetime we have gone from a country which rolls up it's sleeves, puts on the overalls, fills the lunch bucket and actually MAKES something. It seems that when we weren't looking we became a nation of keyboard clickers, data processors, planners, and players of many games who don't actually CREATE anything of lasting value.

In this country nearly one third of all those employed are in the public sector, most of whom are making salaries and benefits grossly out of sync with the rest of society. While you do need civil servants, you can make a case for whether they are a plus or minus overall in society.

For an example of real value, take a look at the paper wealth all those multi-millionaire traders and bankers have generated which is not true wealth at all. If 2008 didn't teach us anything else, surely it taught us that you really can not make 'wealth from nothing', as I heard one trader say when he was justifying his huge salary and bonus!

What was intended to be a pool of money to finance productive, family supporting business start ups, has become every bit as much a casino as anything Las Vegas has to offer. The value placed on much of these stocks has little to do with what they are really WORTH, it has more to do with what a couple of traders can convince you they are worth. You need say nothing more than ENRON to support this notion.

Work Ethic Is A Thing of the Past

I know this statement is right up there with 'when I was your age, I had to walk to school through five feet of snow, uphill both ways' ; but I have had more than one opportunity to observe the NEW work ethic and what I see is kinda scary. Especially if I think that my old age pension is going to be supported by this new crop of workers!
I have seen four people stocking supermarket shelves, who spend more time visiting than actually producing. They were really doing the work of one or maybe one and a half people.

I recently say two fellows painting, and I honestly did not know you could move that slowly and still consider yourself as working. I am an old guy, who sure ain't what he used to be, but I am dead certain, I would produce at least as much as these two did by the end of the day.
So what is the point? What difference does it make? Who created this new work ethic? What will the end of it be?

2008 showed just how fragile this 'paper wealth' really can be. Your home is worth only what someone else can pay you for it. Those stocks are certainly not really worth what they are trading for, and bonds are only as good as the government that issues them, Greece and Spain come to mind.

If we become a nation which only knows how to move data around and make plans based on what others have taught us, our future is not really all that bright.

We have become a nation of self important, self serving people who feel we are entitled to all we have been promised, when in fact we are only entitled to what we are willing to WORK for.


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