Monday, October 18, 2010

Bastion Repairs Nearing Completion

Bastion Reappears Behind Curtain

A disappearing/reappearing act that David Copperfield would be proud of although, this trick has taken several months. The Bastion has been watching over the inner harbour for over 150 years now and somehow, downtown just seems to be missing something without it.

It is almost peculiar how such an old, and not really all that impressive structure (it's no leaning tower) can command such attention and care. The building has been moved several times and undergone major repairs at least twice to save it from the ravages of time. In fact, with all the modern day techniques and reinforcing, you could argue it really is not the same building constructed 157 years ago by the Hudson Bay Company as an instrument to protect their interests in the 'colonies'.

The Bastion is scheduled to be re-opened on Nov. 27 which is also Princess Royal Day.

It will be good when the scaffolding and curtains come down and the Bastion decked out with a fresh coat of paint and sound timbers will once again be keeping an eye on our harbour.


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