Monday, November 22, 2010

Nanaimo City Council Meeting Monday Nov. 22, 2010

Democracy Works When The Public Stays Involved
It Is Too Important To Leave To Politicians

If you can attend in person that is the best way to see your business being taken care of, second best is watching on Shaw Cable from the comfort of your easy chair, it is also available live online using this link, and last but not least is reading what the local press says went on.

Archived video is available of previous meetings at the same link used for live online coverage. You have to remember that the newspaper does not print everything that happens in a council meeting, and as a matter of fact, if their intrepid reporter dozes off at the wrong time, they might even miss something important. So, watch the meeting for yourself, and get involved with how YOUR city council takes care of YOUR business.

Past councils have been pretty generous with the way they have been spending your money, but don't blame them, YOU are the one who needs to keep on top of what is really going on if you ever hope for your taxes to quit going up every year.Remember taxes are scheduled to increase by nearly 25% in the next four years. If you don't think you can afford another $500 or so, then you need to be more involved with the process.

This should be a very busy and full council meeting with lots of 'meat' on the agenda. City Finance Director, Mr. Clemens will be making a presentation of the financial plan for 2011 - 2015 explaining how your tax dollars are being spent.  To view the agenda for this council meeting use this Nanaimo Info LINK.


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