Monday, January 24, 2011

City Council Meeting Notes

A Brief Outline Of Items Covered At Council Meeting Jan. 24
  • Unofficial councilor Mr. Fred Taylor made the point that the city is wasting tax dollars by duplicating advertising in the local papers. Putting the same ad in a paper with 7,000+ circulation seems a waste when the same ad appears in another paper with 30,000+ readers. It would seem the 30,000+ covers the entire city, so why the need to duplicate with the lesser paper? Good question.
  • Mr. Bill McKay tried to offer some direction to council for their consideration of the LED sign bylaw.
  • Mr. Ken Pearce of Villa Rd. made a presentation to council saying he felt the city should be responsible for clearing snow from city sidewalks, rather than requiring residents to clear their own sidewalks. He said he would favour the increase in taxes required to pay for the extra equipment and manpower to accomplish his suggestion.
  • New Zoning Bylaw is available on the city website and will be coming to at least three venues in the city in Feb. Take the time to read the zoning bylaw and attend the public meetings so you can provide council with your input. If you don't participate, then you have no right to complain when an airport goes in next door.
  • There are about 40 - 50 projects which have been approved for the city which are on hold due to the present market/economic conditions.
  • A brief presentation was made pointing out the importance of the upcoming BC Shakeout exercise taking place on Jan. 26th. This is all part of an earthquake preparedness effort to try and make people better able to cope with the 'big one' when and if it should occur. Remember to 'Drop' ...'Cover' .... 'Hold On'.


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