Monday, January 10, 2011

Core Service Review Rejected

Councilor Kipp Wants
Core Service Review

Councilor Kipp got little traction in his effort to see an independent analysis of the core services provided by city hall.
It seems the majority of council are content with allowing city hall staff to evaluate their own performance and Councilors Kipp, Sherry and Bestwick were the only ones in favour of hiring an outside consultant to review operations at city hall.

At the end of the day city staff's recommendation to not hire a consultant effectively puts an end to the desire by Kipp to have fresh eyes evaluate how the core services are being provided by city hall. He feels such a review could provide valuable direction for future councils who will be charged with managing the city's affairs into the future.

Council would seem to be at odds with the 126 people who have participated in this sites survey regarding hiring an outside consultant to evaluate city hall function. This brief reader survey shows 80% of participants feel an independent review is the way to go. If you have not participated in the study the form is in the right hand column of this page.


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