Monday, January 31, 2011

House of Commons Theatre Opens Today

MPs Christmas Break Is Over
Those elected to the highest office in the land will be returning to Parliament today after their Christmas break. Except for the news media (always needing something to 'report') did anyone notice that parliament has not been sitting for over a month now? How much difference does it really make anyway, except as Canadians we are deprived of the ever entertaining 'Question Period'.

In case you are new to Canadian politics 'Question Period' is that time when in days long past, mature politicians actually tried to solve the country's problems and make decisions for the good of the whole. Now it has degenerated into something akin to two years olds squabbling in the sand box. You have to wonder, if you took the camera away, would these guys and gals just quit all the infantile posturing and get something done? We can only dream.

Expect a whole lot more pre-election primping and preening on the part of all parties as once again they try and distract us from the fact, they aren't really doing what we sent them there for.


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