Monday, April 25, 2011

Slanted Journalism At It's Worst

Example of Modern Reporting

The media often accuses Prime Minister Harper of avoiding the press and seriously curtailing the number of questions he will accept from the 'press' gallery.

The above article in the Colonist is a prime example of why politicians avoid the modern 'journalist' like the plague they have become.

The headline declares that Harper 'skirts' the question and then the 'reporter' goes on to explain how Harper ducked answering the question.

I have a couple of questions for Mr. Kennedy:
  • did you actually 'listen' to what he said when he answered and reported on that, or were you just trying to make what he said, fit the story you had already made up in your mind?
  • are you really incapable of coming to a logical conclusion based on his response, or is your bias simply so strong, it wouldn't matter what he said?
  • do you understand why politicians don't want to give you, and your kind the time of day?
It is a sad reality, that the modern crop of 'reporters' are considered to be avoided at all costs, and not just by federal politicians. That philosophy extends all the way into the local city council chambers, where councillors are advised to not express their thoughts in letters to the editor, local blogs and in any other arena where they may be held accountable for what they say. In fact if something is considered a 'hot' topic it is the practice of our city council to appoint the Mayor as sole spokesman and a gag is put on the rest of council. A sad state of affairs, to be sure.


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