Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nanaimo City Declares Annex Unsafe!

Building Unsafe For Public & Staff

In a news release published in the Nanaimo News Bulletin which explains the reasons the city has decided to spend $15 million on a new home for city staff, one of the reasons given is:

Why doesn’t City Council ask the taxpayers about this project, like in a referendum?
The City needs to keep the building safe for the dozens of public who come into the current City Hall Annex each day. Further, as an employer, the City has an obligation to keep a safe work
premises. The current City Hall Annex is not safe. Accordingly, the City has no choice but to
establish a safe building.

Question? how does this answer the question about a referendum? How does this justify building a new building rather than repairs to the exisiting which clearly would save money?

This Building Should Be Closed IMMEDIATELY!

The city has declared in a public notice that this building is unsafe both for the staff working there, and any member of the public entering the building. Therefore in the interest of public safety and the safety of the staff this building MUST be closed without further delay!


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