Thursday, September 08, 2011

57% Of Canadians Living Hand To Mouth

Pay cheque To Pay cheque For Over Half Of Us
Does City Hall Get It??? 
A recent survey by the Canadian Payroll Association found that 57% of Canadians would be in serious financial trouble if their pay cheque was one week late! That is an astounding figure and doesn't mention what would happen if they suddenly lost their credit card privileges. 

The survey found that certain demographics were even worse off with single parents heading the list with 74% saying they would find it hard to make ends meet. For many people the idea of living out their 'golden years' in comfortable retirement is becoming less and less a reality as savings goals are not being met by about 75% of respondents over 35 years of age.

While the survey did not specify regions, I would being willing to guess that Nanaimo is certainly no better off, and in fact is likely worse off, given our high unemployment rate and reliance on food banks and school feeding programs.
Yet in spite of this reality city council led by city hall management continue to plan for at least a 25% increase in taxes in the next 4 or 5 years while they spend the equivalent on a new office for themselves instead of upgrading their existing offices.


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