Monday, October 31, 2011

Methinks Councilor Holdom

 Doth Protest Too Much

In one of the more interesting events at city council meeting, Councilor Holdom requested that Councilor Bestwick withdraw a statement reported in the press, which councilor Holdom took exception to.

Bestwick was reported as saying the way council had dealt with the Bowen Road low barrier project was at the best dishonest and the worst deceitful. Councillor Kipp said when he had heard of the comment he called Bestwick and was satisfied with the explanation.

Kipp said that both councilor Holdom and Pattje might have come to the same conclusion had they simply spoken with Bestwick. At one point in the exchange there was a veiled threat made by Holdom insinuating he might escalate the matter if Bestwick didn't withdraw the comment.
Councillor Bestwick publicly apologized if members of council had been offended by his comment.

It is noted he never withdrew the comment, but merely apologized if he caused any offense.


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