Monday, November 07, 2011

Occupy Nanaimo Marches To City Hall

Speaking To An Empty Building

On Saturday afternoon after a meeting at Diana Krall Plaza about 20 'occupiers' walked/marched down Commercial Street, up Wallace Street and back across the Bastion Street bridge.

While in front of city hall, after acknowledging the fact they knew it wasn't open one of the spokespeople blew off a little steam complete with at least two completely inaccurate statments. Which leads me to wonder, if they have to be elastic with the truth to try and make a point, there is little separating them from the bunch already running the show in the city.

The group at Diana Krall Plaza is not by any means gaining support and the arguments being put forward are not convincing in the least. They seem to be a group of people unhappy with their lot in life and figure there must be someone to blame. Their claims of representing the 99% may be a good sounding sound bite but is not based in any statistic you could apply in Canada.

At one point one of their 'leaders' said they should march on city hall, just out of principle, he then had to ask if anyone knew where it was!! Enough said.


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