Thursday, January 26, 2012

Motion Defeated

Allen's Motion Defeated 6 - 2 

The local daily reports that the motion requiring criminal record checks for school board candidates was solidly defeated this past Tuesday.

I can only speculate what kind of Pandora's Box would be opened if there was a serious movement to have all elected officials submit to a criminal record check with the results being made public. Trustee Brennan is reportedly going to table a motion requiring elected trustees to submit to a criminal record check , with the results being kept confidential.

The idea of keeping the results confidential would seem to defeat Ms. Allen's purpose of full disclosure BEFORE someone gets elected to the board. If records are to be open to the public before an election, then surely they should also be after someone is elected.

Yes, indeed, a Pandora's Box I doubt many will really want to see open. Once open, what possible reason could you have for keeping the results private? Isn't a criminal record a matter of public record? Anyone coming before the courts and convicted of a criminal offense, unless a minor becomes a matter of public knowledge.

No, this is one of those sleeping dogs, the vast majority would gladly see left lie.


1 comment:

  1. Clearly we need more criminals elected to our school board and absolutely we should not be allowed to know who they are or what they were convicted of. And of course all this is better for our kids.


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