Friday, January 27, 2012

VIHA Reducing Harm To Addicts

VIHA Expands Harm Reduction Program

In an article in the Daily, Darrell Bellaart explains the reasons for VIHA increasing the number of places local addicts may get condoms, syringes, crack-pipe mouthpieces and other materials.

The article explains that the program is geared to slow the spread of diseases such as Hep C and encourage additcts to seek medical help.

The article says the goal of the program is to reduce addicts' harm and to relieve life pressures that tend to feed the vicious cycle of addiction, while at the same time reducing the harm to society from increased crime, policing and health care costs.

Perhaps it is time for society to simply admit there are some among us who likely will sooner or later die as a result of their dependency on drugs and rather than sentencing them to a life of misery and crime, should make safe alternatives available at a reasonable cost. It is highly unlikely that the cost of condoms and crack-pipe mouthpieces is what drives an addict into crime to support their habit.

I would suspect the righteous among us would oppose the proposal of taking profit out of the drug business, but also suspect that the criminals and perhaps even the legal system might be opposed to such a 'job killer' being supported.

It is hoped that VIHA is not making the central island any more attractive to drug addicts than other jurisdictions in the country, as our climate and welfare system already makes our area quite attractive to many.


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