Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The REAL Trudeau??

Did Justin Let The Mask Slip??

Any politician with aspirations to the throne should know they aren't going to make many friends by declaring that if you don't like the duly elected government you should join Quebec and help them separate.

Of course Messieur Trudeau's spin doctors probably had heart attacks when they heard what the next wannabe leader had to say about Canadian sovereignty. Even more to the point is his apparent disdain for the democratic system whereby if the electorate don't line up with his view of where we should be as a society, then we should move to Quebec and join them in their new nation. His father never seemed short on ego, and you know what they say about the acorn.

Perhaps Justin's real political future could lie with the Bloc who took a beating last election, there he would have a better platform to pitch separation, and I would think there are many in the Liberal party who secretly would think that a good idea as well.

It is of note that once again, he is hauling out that old liberal straw man about the scary consevatives and the threat they are to those two great Canadian institutions, abortion and gay marriage. Clearly neither of which are being addressed by the Conservatives, but they seem to be the only things the Liberals can bring to the debate.......apparently Justin hasn't noticed, that Canadians are just not buying that same old line from that same old party.

The rest of the Liberal party is doing much navel gazing and brainstorming trying to figure out how to re-invent and re-brand themselves so hopefully they can make some traction in the next election. Then Justin comes along and shows that he at least, has no interest in re-branding.


1 comment:

  1. The first thing he should do, if he wants to be elected again, is to get a haircut.


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