Monday, July 09, 2012

Nanaimo Adopts First Strategic Plan


July 9, 2012- This evening City Council unanimously adopted Nanaimo’s first Corporate Strategic Plan, a document that will guide the corporation over the next few years and beyond. The vote on the Strategic Plan was considered to be of such importance that two Council members who were away from the City attended this portion of the Council meeting by teleconference.

In recent staff and community surveys, over 80% of participants recommended that Council adopt the Plan. The result comprises a long-term vision, mission, values and operating philosophy and identifies on-going commitments to economic health, environmental responsibility, social equity and cultural vitality. The Plan also outlines six strategic priorities that require focus for Council for at least the next 3-5 years. In each priority area, there are suggested strategies and initiatives, as well as desired outcomes. Statements on implementation are included in the document.

The six strategic priorities identified in the Strategic Plan are:
  • Asset Management 
  • Community Building Partnerships 
  • Taking Responsibility
  • Transportation and Mobility 
  • Water 
  • Waterfront Enhancement
The strategic planning process began in January and included extensive community consultation in addition to internal staff workshops. Mayor and Council then participated in a series of strategic planning workshops to consider all of the community and staff input. The process was completed on time and within its budget of $121,400.

The Corporate Strategic Plan is intended to provide a clear picture of where the city is going, a coherent framework for decision-making, and an assurance that Council and staff are moving in the same direction. Councilor Jim Kipp, steering committee chair for the project, stated “Ultimately, the goal of the Strategic Plan is to improve results for our customers and citizens.”
Mayor Ruttan stated, "We would like to thank everyone involved for their comments,
suggestions and advice. The City remains committed to working closely with non-profit groups, the private sector and our institutional partners in the collective and cooperative effort to make Nanaimo one of the most desirable places to live, work, play and invest."

Staff has been directed to prepare the 2013-2017 Financial Plan using the Strategic Plan as a reference point. Further information on implementation will be released in September. A final copy of the Strategic Plan is available on the blog site designed to engage the public. To read it, review blog discussions to date and provide further comment, click on the City’s website at


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