Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nanaimo Food Bank In Crisis

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Food Bank Use Double From Last Year

As this CTV news item points out, the Nanaimo Food Bank is experiencing a double whammy this year with falling donations and rising demand.

Usually in the summer seasonal employment reduces the demand on food needs at the Loaves and Fishes, however that had not been the case this year.

Labour Unlimited also reports the number of people finding work through their agency is about half of what it was last year.

Considering this is the summer when construction and other work used to pick up and demand for help from the food bank usually drops off, this could be signs of some rough months to come.

The Homebuilders Association also recently reported that the number of applicants looking for work in the Nanaimo area has pretty much dropped off completely. This would indicate that much of the able bodied Nanaimo work force has simply either moved north or east in search of employment.

The recent closure of five downtown Nanaimo restaurants and a less than stellar tourist season are all signs that the Nanaimo economy is perhaps not as robust as some of the dialoque eminatiing from city hall or the NEDC might have you believe.

If you watch Nanaimo 'leadership' at many levels you would be forgiven for reminding yourself of that Nero guy who had a thing for playing the fiddle.


1 comment:

  1. The restaurant business is tough in any economy to be profitable in, I don't think the "economy" had anything to do with the closure of these establishments.


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