Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Aging Infrastructure Not The Problem

Water Main Bursts On Holyrood Drive

The local daily is reporting an event that took place last Thursday on Holyrood Drive which required the evacuation of residents as city crews worked to repair the damage. The city manager of utilities is reported as saying the age of the infrastructure was ruled out as the cause.

The line was installed in 1970 and was slated to be replaced in 2016. No explanation why the city manager was so confident in the date for replacement was given. It is worthy of note that all the water and sewer lines in the Cilaire subdivision are in the process of being replaced as they were deemed in poor condition in spite of their relatively young age.

While the city claims  that the age of the water main was not the issue, no explanation was offered as to the cause of the break.

This could however, be the result of underfunding our water, sewer and roads these past years in favour of shiny new staff offices.


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