Friday, October 12, 2012

Gangnam Style - Pet Rocks - Same Thing

Note: Email subscribers may have to visit Nanaimo Blog to view this video.

You Tube Video 
Racks Up 438,550,238 Views!

If you fit my demographic (old fart) you likely have never heard about this phenom on You Tube (You Who?) that has been sweeping cyberspace everywhere.

This catchy little piece has been viewed nearly half a billion times and has spawned a whole series of other videos, some of which are closing in on 80 million views also.

I have no idea what the business model is on You Tube these days, but you can bet the author of this video is raking in some pretty substantial cash.

The creative department at the NEDC needs to put their caps on and create something similar which could promote the harbour city for a fraction of the cost this type of exposure would cost if you tried to buy it.

Back in the day, there were Pet Rocks making the rounds, today, there are equally as pointless fads, not the least of which is witnessed here.


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