Wednesday, November 21, 2012

NDP Finance Critic's Grasp Of Economics

NDP Finance Critic Says 
Greece Will Grow Faster Than Canada

In another one of those bits of theatre that our politicians are famous for, NDP Finance Critic Peggy Nash stated that according to the IMF Greece's economy will grow faster than ours in 2015.

In a great example of hurrying to try and discredit the sitting government Ms Nash simply didn't take the time to do a little research behind the IMF numbers, either that, or it is beyond her grasp.

Apparently in the year 2015 Greece is expected to show a GDP growth of 2.7 while Canada is expected to have a rate of 2.4. What the report also states is that for the years leading up to 2015 Canada is running near capacity while Greece is growing in the negative numbers. So, what is actually expected is for Greece to be seriously trying to catch up, while at the same time Canada has continued to steadily keep chugging along.

Politicians .... gotta luv 'em all. None of them seem to have noticed we just aren't watching that channel anymore, as basically all they are offering is re-runs of previous performances. Can hardly wait for the PET-lite show to hit the airwaves.


1 comment:

  1. Very difficult to say that Greece will grow faster than Canada because no body can predict the future and therefore without any hard evidence, you cannot make such bold statements.


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