Thursday, November 15, 2012

Port Authority Using Best Practices?

Only Proposal Considered
Is It Really The Best Deal Available?
How Do We Know?

When the deal to lease the Nanaimo Inner Harbour to a private company for 30 years was first announced  Mr. Dumas made the statement that the company came to the Port Authority with the proposal, it was not initated by the NPA. Sounds alarmingly like the deal the city entered into to build a convention centre and hotel once upon a time.

Since this whole deal was initiated by the private firm how does the Port Authority or the city of Nanaimo know this is the very best deal available? Is it considered a best practice to sign away an inner harbour for 30 years for merely $9 million without seeking other offers?

There are far too many major decisions made in this city by far too few people with absolutely zero public scrutiny. $75 million convention centres without going to tender. City hall annex $12 million contract without going to tender. A few city staff and council deciding that removing the colliery dams is the only viable solution. $72 million water treatment plant to treat water that has been perfect for 150 years.  10 year contracts to run the conference centre for $1 million a year without inviting other offers. A few folk over at the cruise ship terminal deciding the fate of the downtown inner harbour for years to come. All without public input or scrutiny.

Is it any wonder fewer and fewer people trust our 'leaders' and our political systems which seem to be run as much by special interest groups as anyone genuinely interested in the greater good of the whole.


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