Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nanaimo Bottled Water Ban Consequences

Once Again Council Shoots From The Hip
Shoots Self In The Foot

You may recall last year when a few political activists and CUPE led the charge to remove bottled water sales from civic facilities, it took council a few runs at it to finally acquiesce to the political pressure from the podium. Could it be that CUPE campaign contributions were thought in jeopardy?

Anyway, fast forward to today and consider all the funds lost from bottled water sales in vending machines, where now you can buy pop instead of water. If you really want water and remembered to bring your bottle you can fill up from a fountain, which of course does not dispense ice cold water and you have to not have problems around sanitation issues with public fountains.

Also Applies To Food Trucks On City Property

Not only does this ban apply to vending machines located in civic facilities it also applies to any food truck operator with a license to operate on city owned property. This would include the hot dog guy in Maffeo Sutton Park, and the Ice Cream guy at Westwood right now. It might also apply to Krall Plaza as well.

From a practical point of view, picture yourself strolling up to the hot dog vendor in the park and wanting to buy a bottle of ice cold water to wash down your certified healthy hot dog. Sorry, no can do. But you can stroll across the park to the outdoor fountain, and if you happened to remember to bring a container you can get your water there. Or you could stand around the fountain and eat your food.

Of course, it might also mean you simply buy a bottle of ice cold flavoured sugar water to go with your certified healthy hot dog.

Does Not Apply To Special Events Such As Dragon Boat Races, Bathtub Days Etc.

Thank goodness, this nonsense did not extend to vendors who are not directly licensed by the city so bottled water will be available for the larger events downtown such as the Silly Boat Races.

Unless of course the Blue Community lobby can continue to exercise more pressure on our stalwart council and get them to issue an outright ban on ALL bottled water sales everywhere!

It could happen given CUPE's considerable political clout around the council table!


1 comment:

  1. Good. Bottled water promotes the idea that tap water shouldn't be considered drinkable and promotes the privatization of a human right.


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