Saturday, March 23, 2013

Nanaimo Called 'Quaint' --- Is That A Good Thing?

The other day I was talking to the publicist for the movie shoot that was in town about the possibility of taking a few pictures for my website, as it is not everyday Godzilla comes to town.

During the course of our conversation I was expressing my hope that he had found the Island and in particular Nanaimo, a welcoming and good place to come to.

He thanked me for my welcome and remarked that he had not been to the island before, and commented that he found Nanaimo 'quaint'. Not wishing to show my lack of understanding what was meant by the comment I just smiled and nodded and said I hoped he would return.

 Now, words mean different things to different people, and the word quaint 'can' have a positive spin, but if the dictionary definitions are what is meant, I'm not so sure being called 'quaint' is really something to strive for. He mentioned nothing of out great location, outstanding scenery, renewed downtown or snappy harbour, he just called us 'quaint'. I didn't want to push my luck by asking what kind of experience he had had with our business development office and whether they had been helpful accommodating the different things I am sure such an endeavour must need.

Upon reflection I hope he was not referring to any of his dealings with our business community, as I doubt there is a good spin, if he was referring to them as 'quaint'.

What do you think? Is being known as 'quaint' the kind of reputation we are striving for in our attempt to become a destination location?



  1. Good article but next time actually adding the definition of the world may be in order.

  2. Rather than including Merriam Websters definition, I was more interested in what most people 'think' the word means, Positive or negative.


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