Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nanaimo Residential Tax Hike 2.9% not 1.9%

With RDN, School and Hospital Tax
Increase Will Exceed 2.9%

City councillors will quickly tell you they think they are doing a good job by holding this year's tax increase to 1.9%. They seem to feel the public is gullible enough to not realize the 1.9% increase is the 'blended' increase which sees industrial taxes reduced by 24.2%! Residential taxpayers will see their contribution to the city go up well over 3% by the time you factor in the increased user fees (taxes by another name) and the levy for RDN, School and Hospital taxes.

They are also singing the song that if it weren't for the 'special' asset management levy of 1% we'd really be in great shape! Only the city of Nanaimo senior staff and this city council would try and convince us that properly funding our water, sewer and roads is the only reason our taxes are going up!

I thought that properly funding our water, sewer and roads is what they were supposed to be taking care of FIRST, before giving themselves obscene wage and benefit increases, and shiny new $16 milliion offices!

Sadly, it seems this city council is unable to do anything but put a rubber stamp on whatever recommendation comes from Mr. Kenning.


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