Monday, May 27, 2013

Many Want A Core Review

91% Want An Independent Review

In spite of all the fear the term 'Core Services Review' stirs up at city hall over 90% of 1930 people taking the survey feel one would be good for the city.

Sadly, many councillors and city staffers seem to think the only product of a core review will be the lose of jobs. This speaks volumes to the lack of understanding which surrounds this very essential tool for making sure Nanaimo taxpayers are getting the best bang for their buck.

Why would hard working, capable and loyal employees think a review would be a threat to their jobs? The services they provide are necessary in the community which provides the job security they should take comfort in.

I can see the fire department getting a little 'antsy' given the recent study of that department indicates that all firefighters are only busy 50% of the time and less than 2% of their calls actually involve fires. There is a department where there very well could be over-staffing issues which should be dealt with.

A core review would take a look at all aspects of how city hall delivers the services Nanaimo taxpayers are more than happy to pay for and perhaps find some money saving measures in how those services are delivered, which does not mean firing people who deliver those services.

Personally, I get a little antsy myself, when a corporation the size of the city of Nanaimo seems so reluctant to allowing a fresh set of eyes take a look at how we are doing business.

I wouldn't expect any kind of support from either councillors Brennan or Greves as they both are heavily supported by either CUPE or the IAFF.

In fact I don't expect much to change at city hall until after the next election, when there is the possibility Nanaimo may elect a council which has a better grasp of fiscal matters as clearly this council is a disappointment. Five months with an $851,000,000 budget and not ONE suggestion as to how to save one thin dime.

McKay, Kipp and Bestwick were the only three who tried to save tax dollars by scrutinizing the budget, only to be met with scorn by the rest of council with their 'tax and spend' mentality.


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