Monday, June 17, 2013

Disturbing Image From Turkey

Our Local Government Would Never Act This Way .......

That is certainly what all of us would like to think. We couldn't possibly imagine decisions that affect thousands of residents and involve spending millions of tax dollars being made behind closed doors and the public never allowed to scrutinize the minutes of those meetings.

We could never imagine our local government making major policy decisions based on the opinion of a handful of non-elected bureaucrats who provide elected council with incomplete and perhaps false information.

We could never imagine our elected officials, on the advice of non-elected staff applying for a court order that would name every Nanaimo citizen in a preventative injunction that would basically trample rights by using the threat of a criminal record to intimidate citizens from expressing their concerns.

We could never imagine our local government having so little regard for the wishes of those citizens affected that they would blindly proceed with a decision which likely can not withstand full and complete scrutiny.

No, our local government would never act like governments far, far away where democracy isn't even heard of. Our local elected officials hold the principles of democracy so near and dear their hearts they would never consider acting like dictatorial despots.

Would they?


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