Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How Al Kenning Ranks In Earnings

The following screengrab comes from the database compiled by the Vancouver Sun. For the year 2011, apparently our own City Manager ranked quite well among his peers.
Another comparison I find interesting as bureaucrats are always comparing themselves with each other is the fact the Premier of the Province of British Columbia earns a total salary of $193,532 which is made up of the MLA salary of $101,859 and an additional $91,673 for the role of Premier.

According to this database when compared with 9856 people employed in the Local Government sector in the province, Mr. Kenning ranked #46. Out of 70715 people in the entire database he ranked #919.

This is based on the financial information available for the year 2011, which explains why the salary is a mere $223,269.00.

A front page article in the local daily showing that Mr. Kenning was in the lower group of money earners compared him with the city manager of Kelowna. Who in fact did earn more and was ahead of Mr. Kenning at #21 out of 9856 people in the Local Government sector.

That said you have to wonder just what kind of a cozy little club these managers seem to have put together where they compare themselves among themselves and establish their pay packets on that basis rather than on the basis of their community to sustain such generous pay cheques.





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