Saturday, June 15, 2013

Nanaimo City Hall Wages 2012

Totals $2,934,772.00

The above information is taken from the SOFI report which is to be presented at Mondays' council meeting.

You may be interested to know that nearly 200 folk at city hall are making (note I did not say earning) over $75,000/yr. with a large number of those in the $100,000+ club.

As near as I can determine, when it comes to establishing wages at city hall for the exempt staff and senior management, they lock themselves in a closed room and ask each other if they deserve more money based on fairy dust and tea leaves.

In a community where the average citizen earns less than $40,000/yr. and a large number far less, you have to wonder if these kind of wages are:



1 comment:

  1. Over a quarter of a million to run Nanaimo??? Are you kidding me??? I think that's more than the Premier makes! Just who in hell, is responsible for all these sweetheart pay cheques anyway????


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