Monday, September 30, 2013

Nuclear Free Zone Signs To Return in Nanaimo

Council Motion To Replace Signs

Ms Dyane Brown of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom made a presentation to city council requesting council put back or replace signs at the entrances to Nanaimo.

The signs had been installed on two previous occasions but for reasons left unexplained have disappeared from the entrances. A city bylaw passed in 1987 declared Nanaimo a nuclear free zone and three signs were installed making that declaration.

Councillor Brennan put forward a motion instructing staff take necessary steps to have the signs reinstalled in their previous locations, which would require Department of Transport approval. If that approval is not forthcoming, staff are instructed to erect the signs on appropriate city streets, which would not require approval from senior government.

There was no explanation asked or given as to why signs which had been installed by a council motion supporting a duly passed bylaw were ever removed, apparently without the knowledge of city council.

Note: I hope none of those high-tech jobs Sasha at the Economic Development Corporation is busy trying to attract have anything to do with the manufacture of any components that are used in nuclear weapons.


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