Thursday, December 19, 2013

City of Nanaimo Wages - $75,000 + Salaries

Wages & Benefits - City of Nanaimo
Employees Earning Greater Than $75,000

The following list shows all employees who earn $75,000 or more, it should be noted that this list does not include benefits so the total at the bottom of the page is not complete. It also does not include the RCMP wages and is for the year ending Dec. 31, 2012.

It is of note that 40% of the wages paid in the city of Nanaimo fall into the +$75,000/ year bracket. There are a total of 197 people on the $75,000 + list and this is for 2012 which means the total is probably another 2% higher across the board when you factor in wage increases in 2013. For example the firefighters just got another 5.5% plus $200,000 more in pension benefits which is not a part of the following totals.

Clear Up The Confusion

Whether it is deliberate or not, the following list is deceiving in that it makes it appear as if the total paid to city employees is $46,500,457.00. However, that does not include the benefits also paid, which as reported in the Municipal Report brings the total to $55,570,663.00. This sounds like a staggering number but when you add in the $15,034,427.00 paid to the RCMP, the actual total for wages and benefits which are paid by YOUR taxes reaches an astounding $70,605,090.00. All these figures are for the year ending 2012.

80.6% of Property Taxes Go To Wages & Benefits
It doesn't fix any potholes, or buy shiny new firetrucks ....

If you consider that in 2012 the total amount raised in the city of Nanaimo from property taxes was $87,524,673.00 and $70,605,090.00 went to pay for wages, you might wonder how much longer this is sustainable. Of course if you ask anyone working for the city of Nanaimo if this is affordable they will say yes. As will city councillors who receive considerable financial support from either IAFF or CUPE.

To view the wage and expense tables click the image to enlarge.



  1. Notice the last names and the job descriptions. I wounder if one family member gets another family member a job.

  2. This exessiveness is simply justified by comparing it to other similar cities. Using that method of justification it is small wonder that cities are beginning to have financial difficulties, seniors are being forced to do with less and less every year, and there will be no stopping this circle of spend and tax until the system completely breaks down. Throughout history there are many examples of societies collapsing because of poor and corrupt management. The world is broken.


    Unfortunately, I believe we have passed that threshold.

  4. Just think about this - we are a city of less than 100,000 and we need to spend over $75 million dollars for City Hall and Police staff - and you will soon see how we are on course to self implode.

  5. Well, we do have to have higher salaries to attract people to come to such an undesirable part of the world to live in.

  6. I'm sicked and outraged by these figures.


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