Thursday, April 10, 2014

Do WE REALLY Recycle All Our Stuff?

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This video shows what is happening with a lot of e-waste we in the west think we are dutifully recycling. It seems we may be diverting our crap from our landfills and aren't polluting our air by burning it in an energy from waste plant, but it would seem there could be some hypocrisy in our 'feel good' recycling programs.

Do we really know where all that stuff goes we drop off at the recycle exchanges? Do we really know where all that plastic and waste paper winds up, that we think we are recycling?

Next time you go to any recycling exchange get them to prove to you exactly where your stuff is going to be shipped. Then if you have the time, go there and see if they are telling you the truth.

There are many recycling 'fees' levied at the point of sale on everything from car batteries and tires, to electronics to even juice containers. Do those fees actually get dedicated to true recycling or do they just end up in general revenue like our health insurance premiums? Ask you local MLA's and MP's to verify just how our recycling programs are working.



  1. If exporting garbage is so bad, then why should Nanaimo consider being the recipient of Metro Vancouver's waste?

  2. Ron, I am not sure whether you are for or against exporting/importing garbage. Could you elablorate?


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