Tuesday, February 03, 2015

City Council Sends Good Wishes To 'Gord'

T-Shirt Worn By Councillors

All members of Council wore their 'We Luv GORD' shirts at the Feb. 2 council meeting and one occupied the chair currently vacated by our recovering Councillor.

Gord's brother, Robert opened the meeting with a brief address thanking the community for all the support they have shown, and once again expressed his gratitude for the man who first attended to Gord on Sunday, crediting him with saving Gord's life.

Robert reported that he was able to get a laugh out of Gord who is otherwise just plain bitchy, but bitchy in a good way, considering a week ago they thought Gord was on his death bed. In time Gord will be going to Victoria for tests, but in the meantime complete rest is the order of the day. Gord can still not receive any visitors and it is hoped his television did not pick up Shaw 4, as he did not need to be watching the council meeting.


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