Sunday, February 01, 2015

February 2 Council Meeting - One To Watch

This Nanaimo City Council meeting will be one to watch indeed. Did we elect the 'new captain' of the ship or did we just change one Kool-Aid sipping captain for another?? Only time will tell, but at this point it is none too promising.

The candidate who said the 'dams are just fine' has morphed into the Mayor who thinks that 'new' information could be a game changer.

Also on the agenda for Monday will be a decision to make council business more and more secretive by restricting public access and eliminating proper recording of Committee of the Whole Meetings.

Yes, boys and girls, Monday will clearly show if our new captain is in fact at the helm or if he is in the engine room taking directions from the bridge manned by city staff.

"Aye captain the good ship Nanaimo cana take any more".



  1. Mayor McKay has been inducted into the Kool-Aid Drinking Hall-O-Fame quicker and seemingly more-compliant than any politician I can remember to sit in the centre chair:

    *Colliery Dams - BACK-WASHING
    *LeaderCast investigation - TURN-ABOUT
    *Joan Park - DOUBLE-SPEAK (Remains content to concrete Georgia Park)
    *Senior City Staff - NOW PRAISING 'EM
    *Voting practice - ABOUT-FACE (Now sides with Brennan block, Amigos gone)

    Can this really be the "drink" or has a spell been cast over old Coun. McKay?

  2. Transparency - INCAMERA (sometimes with no vote at all! Just wooosh.... in camera here we come........)


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