Monday, February 23, 2015

Why Feb. 23 COW Meeting Cancelled?

Why Has The
Committee of the Whole Meeting
Monday Feb. 23/15
Been Cancelled?

The original agenda posted for the Regular Committee of the Whole Meeting was to begin at 4:30 pm as usual and deal with a number of items before proceeding to an in-camera meeting to deal with items covered by Community Charter Section 90 (1).

In what can only be described as an unusual move, the public portion of this meeting has been cancelled and moved from the Shaw Auditorium to the board room in the SARC building. This all happening on very short notice.

This is now the second Committee of the Whole Meeting cancelled by this council, the last being the one immediately following Councillor Fuller's heart attack. While there are several items on the orginal agenda it is hard to imagine they would have taken much more than two hours to complete as the city business seemed quite light and there were a couple of delegations which may have taken an hour or so to hear.

So unless the city is facing some earth-shattering crisis which will require a whole lot of city council's attention it would not have seemed too much to expect this council to spend a couple of hours dealing with regularly scheduled business, given this is now the second COW meeting to be cancelled.

One might speculate that the agenda item " 2015 - 2019 Financial Plan - Discussion" might be cause for some angst, given the previous public discussions on this matter, but would hardly be an acceptable reason for cancelling this meeting entirely.


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