Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Colliery Dams Saga - Getting More Bizarre !!

Deputy Minister refusing to meet with City delegation if supporters present??

Anyone who thinks we are living in a healthy, functioning democracy needs to give their heads a good shake. 

The Mayor has been advised that the Deputy Minister they were scheduled to meet with tomorrow will cancel the meeting if Colliery Dam supporters are present outside his office. 

This has left the Mayor with one of two choices, either ask supporters not to attend or accept a telephone conference with the Deputy Minister.

No, boys and girls you can't make this stuff up!!

Just a misunderstanding??

The Ministry has responded to an inquiry from one of the support organizers who say they did not say they would cancel the meeting should supporters from Nanaimo attend outside the building.

It appears that our Mayor was functioning on some wrong information when he said the meeting would be cancelled should supporters attend.

It isn't too comforting to think that our Mayor would feel that asking citizens not to attend would have been something he would consider as an option. 



  1. Whomever (someone else?) told the Mayor (himself?) this "wrong" (seems suspicious) information should resign or be fired for (it seems) trying to simply use whatever they can come up with to stomp the other side from showing up.

  2. So WHO told the mayor?

    This person should be held accountable and disciplined for, it seems, providing erroneous/slanted information!



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