Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Few Good Reasons To Get Out Of Nanaimo

All within a two hour drive

Here it is Tuesday night and I still don't have any idea what happened at the COW meeting on Monday. I expect city staff did there best to convince council a move to automated garbage pick up is really a no-brainer. Whether council agreed or not is still an unknown to me, and I can't say I am all that curious.

I also suspect that the fire department will have made a presentation showing how imperative it is to build a new firehall and add 20 new firefighters to our current force. I will look forward to hearing the comparisons of different fires of late and how response times impacted outcomes.

But alas, as compelling as all that business should be, I have been able to convince myself that spending the rest of the week enjoying the many sights and sounds our bit of paradise has to offer may be a far more rewarding use of time.

The above pics were taken on a nice day trip under near summer like temperatures and beautiful clear blue skies.

Another good reason for getting out of Nanaimo ...........................


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