Monday, November 16, 2015

CUPE Agreement With City Still Not Finalized

CUPE Agreement for 2014 - 2016 Not Finalized

The City Manager's comment at a recent city council meeting that garbage collection could not be contracted out, due to unique language in the Nanaimo contract with CUPE was the reason I wanted to read the contract myself.

I went onto the city website and the only agreement posted there is for the period  ending in 2013. An inquiry with city hall staff generated the response that the agreement, while ratified last Dec. was still not finalized and that is why it is not posted on the city website.

The director of human resources for the city explained that the agreement while ratified had not been finalized because "part of the process entails housekeeping and formatting changes which take a fair amount of time". A follow up inquiry as to when the final agreement might be available brought the response that "it was hard to say" since the person responsible for it was also involved with the IAFF negotiations.

To be clear, the contract I am wanting to read is for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 and that document has still not been finalized. I would hope this agreement is actually finalized before it expires next year.


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