Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Council Meeting Summary - June 27/16

Source: Nanaimo City Website

 Council Meeting Summary - June 27, 2016

Proposals for Beban Park

The Nanaimo Equestrian Association, Vancouver Island Exhibition, Island Roots Market Cooperative and Indigenous Peoples Place of Culture brought a proposal for a new concept for the centre of Beban Park. The development would see multi-purpose facilities and amenities that would be easily accessible for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. An open house will be held where residents can review the site plans and provide input.

Section 8a

Motion carried: Unanimous.

Council sets priorities

Council provided their vision for Nanaimo over the next two-plus years: Developing the south downtown waterfront, a sport and entertainment centre, redevelopment of Beban Park, a connected waterfront walkway, a Georgia Avenue pedestrian/cycle bridge, property acquisition and affordable housing were all identified as priority projects and initiatives for Council going forward until the end of the current term. The next step will be to get feedback from residents at an e-Town Hall.

Section 6a

Motion carried: Unanimous.

City engineering standards updated

The City’s Manual of Engineering Standards and Specifications received an update using feedback from the public, staff and engineering consultants. The amendments reflect best practices for current design and construction.

Section 8c

Information was received.

Energy study for Beban’s boilers

The City will apply for an $11,975 grant from Fortis BC for an energy study that will look at energy efficient replacement options for the 40-year-old boilers used to heat the pool and recreation centre at Beban Park. The total cost of the study is an estimated $23,950.

Section 8b

Motion carried: Unanimous.



  1. Ferry? Hotel? These are not strategic priorities any longer? Are we just going to have the conference center continue to languish? What about the Theater we already committed to? Where is fiscal responsibility anywhere in Councils strategy?

  2. If "private" money can solely support a ferry, then fine. If private money can solely build a hotel, fine. If the theatre folk can raise the money on their own to expand, great. That is the fiscal responsibility of council to watch my money - do not throw it away. As for the VICC you're right, it languishes. But what to do with the structure which should not have been built and we're left with. Council's strategic priorities are therefore NOT to let that happen again with a ferry, hotel or theatre!


  3. What about a synopsis on Mr. Leon Cake? He was on the agenda concerning amendments to the city's Manual on Engineering. The chair/mayor high-tailed it to the backroom for all of Mr. Cake's presentation and when it came to giving him a few extra minutes for detailing problems over the last six years - Coun. Pratt, Thorpe and Brennan said no (but were out-voted). So much for this trio caring about openness, transparency and PUBLIC participation like they claim!


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