Monday, June 13, 2016

Your Tax Rate Explained - Watch Council June 13

 taxes explained
To view/download tax increase explanation click image

The above is a pdf of a presentation being made at the June 13/16 Regular Nanaimo City Council Meeting. It offers a very clear, easy to understand explanation of why a 0% property tax increase does not always equal a 0% increase for everyone.

As has been explained on Nanaimo Info Blog the taxes we have to paid is also based on the assessed value of our homes and homes that increased by the 'average' assessment increase, did in fact see a 0% increase in the municipal taxes. If your home assessment increased more than the average (4.3%) you would see an increase in your taxes, and if your home assessed as less than the 4.3% average you would have in fact seen a decrease in your taxes.

What this presentation does not address is the increases in all user rates (water, sewer.garbage) which are really taxes by another name.



  1. Damage control. They new this all along, why wait to do anything but react. Pathetic.

  2. Keep your eye on the pea. Now watch carefully........ see it's not under that glass, no not under that one either..... no wrong again.... wanna bet again?

  3. See Fuller's leaked documents from Council's wish list session. Forget about zero tax increases. Let's try to stay in single digits. It's fascinating what is , and is not on the real Council agenda.

  4. So now we know the " zero percent tax" gambit was just a " no payments for one year" marketing ploy and That contrary to their election spin, Council is all about BIG public spending.

  5. See Councillor Fullers post of Council strategic priorities. Tax restraint is not among Council's listed priorities. Just pet projects and mega projects.

  6. Taxpayers have been played. Most of these wish list items not on anyone's platform.


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