Monday, February 27, 2017

Gary Korpan Throws Support Behind NO Side

Gary's Vote No Sign for our times

"Here's where I stand. If you hate wasteful spending of your hard earned tax money
you, too, will want to send a loud clear NO to the current greedy spendthrifts at City Hall.
If it is such a good deal, let the private sector pay for it.: Gary Korpan


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Gary Korpan for your NO vote.I am heartened that there are those of you who have gone on before as leaders & can see the folly of this ill conceived plan. There are so many red flags that show this is something we should not be pursuing. Maybe done a different way , a yes vote would have been a good thing. Goodness know the downtown does need help in a very big way but there are lots of citizens with good ideas, now we need counsellors who are willing to listen & not just spend. I know we have some good ones. I pray we get it right come election time.


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