Thursday, November 01, 2018

Adrienne Clarkson Billing Canadians $100,000/yr

 Adriene Clarkson

According to this National Post article former governor general Adrienne Clarkson has billed taxpayers for $1.1 million in expenses on top of the $1.6 million she has received in pension benefits which is in addition to the $3 million grant she received courtesy of Canadian taxpayers.

Launch Petition

Taxpayers have paid $1.1 million in expenses for a former governor general since she LEFT office in 2005.

Former governor general Adrienne Clarkson's time in office ended in 2005. She has continued to submit receipts to the Government of Canada. Those expenses have added up to $1.1 million, according to the Ottawa Citizen. And all of this is legal and approved by the Government of Canada.

What ordinary Canadian keeps submitting expenses to an employer years after leaving a job?

And what kind of employer keeps paying those expenses?

The $1.1 million Clarkson billed for expenses is on top of the $1.6 million she’s collected from her pension and the $3 million the government gave her to start a foundation.

Clarkson is sticking taxpayers with the biggest bills, but former governors general have been submitting expenses to the government since the 1970s.

Enough is enough.

Within minutes of the story breaking, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation launched a petition demanding an end to the gravy train for former governors general.

To sign the petition, PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK NOW:


1 comment:

  1. I know she is still the Patron for the Princess Patricia (PPCLI) and has been the head if the Francophone at the UN.

    Granted, she has left the office of Governor General, but she is still working hard for Canada..

    It would be interesting to see what that $100,000 is going to, we may be getting a great deal.


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