Friday, December 06, 2019

Canadian Economy Showing It's Weaknesses

While our Prime Minister fiddles ........
Click image for Bloomberg article

Not to worry though, we do have a balanced cabinet based on gender, rather than merit. That was the same type of cabinet we had for the past four Liberal years whose biggest accomplishment was adding another $100 billion to the debt.

In BC we lost another 25,800 jobs in November which now means in 5 of the last 6 months, BC has been losing jobs, across all sectors.

According to Better Dwelling  Statistics Canada (Stat Can) released gross domestic product numbers for Q3 2019. The numbers show healthy growth for the economy – until you dive into them. A single-industry represented more than half of quarterly growth – real estate transactions.

Meanwhile to the south, that despised Trump and his policies just seem to keep adding to their economic job growth by leaps and bounds. It is reported the US economy added nearly 300,000 jobs in the month of November.


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