Sunday, August 28, 2022

MLA Malcolmson Press Conference

 What Did She Say??

Sheila Malcolmson MLA
At a recent press conference local MLA Malcolmson told the local press that the government was providing additional mental-health and substance use care for those at risk of homelessness, according to a Bulletin headline.

This sounds like good news for the beleaguered downtown Nanaimo residents and business owners struggling with ever-increasing lawlessness.

Apparently this government is providing funding for 30 complex care spaces by 2025 with 10 of those by the end of this year. The Nanaimo News Now report said these spaces might be online in the spring of 2023. Either way it offers no help to relieve downtown's ails in the here and now. Maybe 10 more spaces by the end of this year, or the spring of next hardly seems a news worthy announcement.

Malcolmson is quoted as saying that supportive housing does not provide the level of care that some people need. However, it is unclear as to what this alternative care model provides as she is also quoted as saying that while the funding will provide for 30 'spaces' these spaces aren't physical beds.

Yes, that is what the article says, she said. I called the reporter who wrote the story and he didn't shed any light and am still waiting for some clarity from our MLA as to what exactly she is talking about as on the surface it seems just another bandaid on a hemorrhaging patient.

J. Taylor


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