Sunday, February 26, 2012

Say NO To Spin Doctor

FEB. 25TH, 7:00 pm Shaw Auditorium

If you don't think that YOUR tax dollars need to go to pay for a $140,000.00/ yr. Spin Doctor let YOUR city council know what you think. That will work out to nearly $3,000 a week! Imagine!!!

You can tell city council what you think of the blatant waste of YOUR tax dollars if you show up at the city council meeting on Monday, Feb. 27 at 7:00 pm in Shaw Auditorium. You do NOT need to have registered as a delegate to have your say. There is an open session on the agenda at the start of the meeting where the public can speak to the Financial Plan.

You may not realize that with the acceptance of this new financial plan council has decided how to spend $844,000,000 over the next 5 years! Your taxes will have increased by 98.5% since 2001, add to the the increase in user rates etc. and YOU are paying TWO TIMES as much for the privilege of living in the city of Nanaimo.

Ask yourself if you can justify spending two times as much for the level of services you are getting now as you were in 2001??

Don't let a fear of speaking in public stop you, and don't be intimidated by the forum, simply come to the council meeting and when the Mayor asks if anyone wishes to speak about the Financial Plan, simply go to the podium and tell council, in your own words what you think about them deciding to spend $143,000 on a Spin Doctor, rather than just telling you why they are doing what they are doing in their own words!!


1 comment:

  1. I cant wait wait for the next electon; recall the magets now;


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