Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Siren Test in Harewood - Panic Creator??

How much disruption will this test cause?

As you may or may not be aware, the city of Nanaimo will be conducting a full scale, full volume, three minute test of the emergency siren system they recently installed, which is just another page in the Colliery Dam Saga started by city hall over one year ago.

Given that Nanaimo residents have not likely ever heard such a siren for a full three minutes, and given how unlikely it is most people will know what is going on, is it possible this whole exercise will just be the source of much confused panic?

The press release issued by the city says that future tests will be at 50% volume, so I presume 100% volume should be quite alarming, not only to immediate residents by folk living elsewhere in our city. Not to mention motorists passing by on the Parkway, who likely will have no idea what is happening. Hopefully, the confusion will not result in panicked drivers causing mayhem on the highway.

I hope our city officials, especially our emergency coordinator evaluates the unintentional consequences of this exercise so they may, in future, mitigate against the disruption this testing will likely cause. It would be hoped our real emergency systems don't wind up overloaded as confused and perhaps seriously worried folk jam the 911 system with calls.


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