Tuesday, January 01, 2019

HAPPY NEW YEAR ............. 2019


It seems like only yesterday that the world held it's breath to see if Y2K was going to see the end of computer controlled civilization as we knew it. 2000 came and went with barely a whimper.

The past 20 years have seemingly come and gone with hardly a blink of the eye. Well, that at least is my perspective, perhaps time does accelerate as one gets older. 2019 for me will bring my 70th year and some childhood events seem like only yesterday.

The anticipated tumult of 2000 amounted to nothing other than a windfall profit for those in the computer industry, rewriting code to keep things running smoothly. 

The world today, is an entirely different place than it was in 2000 with upheavel of all type occuring on a global scale. The world's economic system is near the bursting point and nations are challenged to deal with the impact of 'natural' events such as wildfires, earthquakes, floods and storms on all fronts.

Our nation is seeing the results of what we have been sowing these past decades with our economic system pretty much unraveled relying on a system of smoke and mirrors and the exchange of paper backed only by faith. Once wealth producing resources being curtailed on many fronts and our once strong manufacturing sector a mere shadow of it's former self. 

Our once proud and blessed country is now reaping what we have sown during my lifetime. When I was a child place and honor was still given to God with the LORD'S Prayer being a part of opening each school day. The Bible was used as a teaching resource as well, even in PUBLIC schools if you can imagine. While few in my family darkened the door of a church among all, their was the knowing that God was and deserved honor. With few exceptions no retail was open on Sunday (it was called the LORDS Day). 

When Christmas came around it was about celebrating and giving honor to the birth of God's only begotten Son in Jesus the Christ. It is now a secular/pagan celebration giving honor to people and our appetites.

Some may know I am a professing Christian, although I don't 'preach' and believe that anyone living in North America has surely had the same opportunity to know the LORD as has been given me. That said, I do not discount the grace God has extended me in the faith to believe.

Those of you who know the LORD have the blessed assurance of your eternity and the confidence to face the soon coming chaos that will engulf the earth. Those who don't have that assurance I would urge to seek the LORD while He can be found as the day is soon coming when the only safe harbour is going to be in dwelling in Him.

The Gospel of salvation is what you have likely heard preached which in short says that Jesus came to earth, died, was resurrected and ascended into heaven. The salvation of our souls comes in repenting of our sin (of not giving God place) asking for the forgiveness that is provided in the LORDS death, recognizing we need His Blood to cover our sin so that the Holy Spirit of God may inhabit our spirits which brings the undeniable KNOWING that Jesus is exactly who the Bible says He is. You will know that heaven is your assured eternity and you will know that Jesus is in fact the ONLY way, all other paths lead to eternal destruction.

The Gospel of the Kingdom is all of the above with the addition that Jesus is once again coming into the earth, this time not as the Lamb meek and mild, but as the Lion of Judah and the Warrior King He is. He will set foot on the temple mount and establish His Kingdom which He will rule with a rod of iron. Before that terrible day the Bible declares that nearly 2/3's of all mankind will have died through one calamity or another.

That Day has been spoken of for about 2000 years and is now finally at the door. Only those that are found in the LORD will come through those days.

Today may be YOUR day of salvation ........ you have no guarantee of tomorrow. Seek Him while He can be found, your eternal soul depends upon it.

May 2019 usher in a Year of the LORD'S Blessing on you and all those in your house.


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