Saturday, October 11, 2014

Nanaimo 2014 Civic Election Candidates

The following is taken from the City of Nanaimo website as of 5:30 am Oct.11/14 and it is possible the list may still not be complete, but nominations are officially closed now and candidates have until Oct. 17 to withdraw should they wish.

  1. Brunie, Brunie
  2. Holdom, Bill
  3. Korpan, Gary
  4. McKay, Bill
  5. McKinnon, Roger
  6. Neumann-Ladret, Alisha
  7. Routledge, Jim
  8. Ruttan, John
  9. Thompson, Al
  1. Adrienne, Gail
  2. Anderson, Brian
  3. Arnold, Jack
  4. Bestwick, Bill
  5. Brennan, Diane
  6. Brooks, Fred
  7. Cake, Leon
  8. Campbell, Tali
  9. Cantelon, Kevin
  10. Cochrane, Stephen
  11. Fuller, Gordon
  12. Gogo, Paul
  13. Goldsack, Jim
  14. Greves, Ted
  15. Henderson, Scott R.
  16. Hong, Jerry
  17. Horn, Mike
  18. Hovestad, Karen
  19. Kipp, Jim
  20. Manson, Geraldine
  21. Pattje, Fred
  22. Taylor, Jim
  23. Thorpe, Ian
  24. Thompson, Ian
  25. Yoachim, Bill



  1. It would extremely helpful if we knew something about the candidates!!!!!!! Of course, we know about some, but most of them not a thing

  2. Which female candidate for councilor (other than the incumbent) has taken a public stand on a municipal issue in the City of Nanaimo over the past three or so years?

  3. Would like to get the contact info for all candidates. Some not easy to find!

  4. Candidates who don't make it easy to find them ...... maybe shouldn't be running???


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