Thursday, October 09, 2014

Two More Nanaimo Mayoral Candidates

Mayor John Ruttan - ex-Mayor Gary Korpan

The front page of the Daily reports that sitting Mayor John Ruttan will seek his third term in office and former Mayor Gary Korpan will make his bid to regain his old seat at Council.

Roger McKinnon and Coucnillor McKay both also recently got front page ink with their announcements however as of this morning none of the above names show up on the city website as having filed nomination documents.

The city website shows the following Mayoral candidates as have filed documents:

Brunie Brunie
Bill Holdom
Mark Robinson
Al Thompson

There are also 23 candidates listed as seeking a seat as City Councilor of those incumbents Bestwick, Brennan, Greves and Pattje have filed nomination documents.



  1. This present Mayor and Council should have to have mandatory Drug Testing done on them the way they spend Nanaimo Taxpayers money.It is not theirs to have special intrests or a big partie with.

  2. I could be wrong but I recall Mr. Korpan sued a citizen of the city for having a bumper sticker which was questionably libelous to him. I say it's questionable because it's all about interpretation. That said, I think it was poor of him to do what he did. Being mocked etc is unfortunately a part of the job in politics. Justin Trudeau recently was insulted by our good friend Ezra Levante, with him saying that JT's parents were "sluts". Totally inappropriate and slanderous but no law suit followed. (Ezra has deep pockets most likely, and his employer Sun Media sure does).

    Mr. Korpan sued a private citizen of Nanaimo, who as far as I know, didn't have boat loads of money. Regardless of how good he may have been as Mayor, this story resonates with me and will again come Nov 15.

    Our next mayor needs to have the city and the citizens in their best interests....not suing them for, what I consider, minor things in the world of politics.


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